Campus Procedures
At Silver Lake student safety and security is very important to us.
Silver Lake Families,
Cars dropping off or picking up students circle our building in a counterclockwise direction, entering School Road from Dooley Street north of the building, then rejoining Dooley Street south of the building.
When turning onto School Road north of the building, two lanes will be formed. These two lanes will then merge to one before entering the pick-up/drop-off zone.
Buses will use the same pick-up/drop-off zone as in the past, meaning they will be turning left onto campus from Dooley Street across from Bushong Road. It will be important that cars queued on Dooley Street near this intersection leave space for buses to turn into campus.
It is important to remember that the parking lot is reserved for only buses, staff and visitors to campus. All pickup and dropoff must be done from the car line on School Road.
We appreciate the patience and understanding of our families, and we appreciate the City of Grapevine for keeping the safety of our students and community at the forefront as they made these changes.
Familias de Silver Lake,
Los coches que dejan o recogen a los estudiantes ahora conducirán alrededor de nuestro edificio en dirección contraria a las agujas del reloj, entrarán en School Road desde Dooley Street al norte del edificio y luego volverán a unirse a Dooley Street al sur del edificio.
Al girar hacia School Road al norte del edificio, se formarán dos carriles. Estos dos carriles luego se unirán antes de entrar en la zona de recoger/dejar.
Los autobuses utilizarán la misma zona de recoger/dejar que en el pasado, lo cual significa que girarán a la izquierda hacia la escuela desde Dooley Street enfrente de Bushong Road. Será importante que los carros que hacen fila en Dooley Street cerca de esta intersección dejen espacio para que los autobuses puedan entrar a la escuela.
Es importante recordar que el estacionamiento está reservado sólo para los autobuses, el personal y los visitantes de la escuela. Los coches dejando o recogiendo a los estudiantes deben hacerlo desde la fila de coches en School Road.
Les agradecemos a nuestras familias su paciencia y comprensión, y apreciamos que la Ciudad de Grapevine mantenga en alta prioridad la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y de la comunidad mientras realizan estos cambios.
Esperamos verlos de regreso en Silver Lake Elementary el 18 de agosto. ¡Por favor, cuídense y disfruten los días restantes de sus vacaciones de verano!
Mobile Devices on School Property
It's the LAW!
The law took effect September 1, 2013 with regard to the use of mobile devices on school property. It is important that our Silver Lake families know and understand the new law as it pertains to operating a vehicle on GCISD property. More details, including the exact wording of the law, are provided below:
The Bill prohibits the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle on school property.
BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 545.425(b), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), an operator may not use a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle within a school crossing zone, as defined by Section 541.302, Transportation Code, or on the property of a public or private elementary or middle school unless:
(1) the vehicle is stopped; or
(2) the wireless communication device is used with a hands-free device.
SECTION 2. The change in law made by this Act applies only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act. An offense committed before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of this section, an offense was committed before the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurred before that date.
SECTION 3. This Act took effect September 1, 2013.
Thank you for observing this law, designed to keep our school children and staff safer!